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USA +64 7 579 0190
We design and build custom tents for movie sets.
Baytex has solutions for fabrics and intricate details to help set the scene.
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
We were approached by Lampost Productions to design and manufacture a tent village comprising a set of 83 authentic looking tents for the movie set. Each tent had to be unique, of a high quality and able to maintain this appearance throughout the duration of the shoot. To achieve the required look of authenticity, elegance and luxury the Set Designers specified that the tents be made of silk and all other materials had to be period authentic including the use of hemp rope. The silk had to be reinforced with a medium weight canves backing before it could function structurally as a tent.
Cricket Hop Productions NZ Ltd approached us on behalf of Disney to manufacture a tent village consisting of 24 authentic looking tents for the movie set of Mulan. There were to be 5 different sized period tents for the Mulan movie to look as traditional as we could make them. Motifs were to be applied to the specially dyed canvas and the tent trimmings were to be raw and natural. In the film the tents looked amazing and fitted the era perfectly.